A well-known novelist and journalist from the coastal city of Jableh, Samar Yazbek witnessed the beginning four months of the uprising first-hand and actively participated in a variety of public actions and budding social movements. Throughout this period she kept a diary of personal reflections on, and observations of, this historic time. Because of the outspoken views she published in print and online, Yazbek quickly attracted the attention and fury of the regime, vicious rumours started to spread about her disloyalty to the homeland and the Alawite community to which she belongs. The lyrica... continue
Figure de l'opposition au régime de Bachar al-Assad, Samar Yazbek a dû quitter son pays tant aimé en juin 2011. Depuis son exil, elle ressent l'urgence de témoigner. Au mépris du danger, elle est retournée trois fois dans son pays, clandestinement, où elle a connu de l'intérieur l'horreur de la guerre civile, aux côtés des activistes. Des premières manifestations pacifiques pour la démocratie jusqu'à l'émergence de l'Etat islamique, elle décrit le quotidien des combattants, des enfants, des hommes et des femmes ordinaire qui luttent pour survivre à l'une des plus grandes tragédies du XXIe sièc... continue
"Brave, rebellious and passionate ... Yazbek is no ordinary Syrian dissident." --Financial Times "The Syrian writer Samar Yazbek evokes the horror of civil war with gripping lucidity." --Le Monde Rima, a young girl from Damascus, longs to walk, to be free to follow the will of her feet, but instead is perpetually constrained. Rima finds refuge in a fantasy world full of colored crayons, secret planets, and The Little Prince, reciting passages of the Qur'an like a mantra as everything and everyone around her is blown to bits. Since Rima hardly ever speaks, people think she's crazy, but she is n... continue